Uzbek scientific-technical and production journal
"Composite materials"
Since October 14, 1998, under license No. 00105 of the State Publishing Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State Unitary Enterprise "Fan vaTarakkiyot" has organized the release of the scientific, technical and production journal "Composite Materials". The magazine was re-registered for the last time by the Uzbek Agency of Press and Information on May 27, 2015, certificate No. 0558.
The purpose of the scientific, technical and industrial journal "Composite Materials" is to publish articles covering the current state of the problems of composite materials science in the field of chemistry, physics, mechanics and technology of composite materials and the production of products from them as applied in mechanical engineering and instrument making, electrical engineering, metallurgy, mining business, construction, communications, local, light, food, cotton, textile and other industries.
The journal publishes scientific, technical and industrial articles that meet the criteria of scientific quality, in sections:
- Genesis of components of composite materials and nanocomposites
- Materials of compositions and features of their composition
- Obtaining, structure of composite materials and nanocomposites
- Properties of composite materials and nanocomposites
- Application of composite materials and nanocomposites
- Research methods
- Equipment and technologies
- Labor and environmental protection
- Economics and organization of production
- Experience exchange
- Chronicle, advertisements and announcements
The journal publishes information about past scientific symposia, conferences and meetings on problems in the field of composite materials science, as well as materials containing fundamentally new phenomena or new patterns that require immediate publication for reasons of priority, which should be reflected in the submission to the article.
The magazine is published 4 times a year.