SUE "Fan va tarakkiyot"

State Unitary Enterprise



Requirements for applicants

The State Unitary Enterprise "Fan va tarakkiyot" has a basic doctorate for awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the following specialties: 02.00.07 - Chemistry and technology of composite, paint and varnish and rubber materials, 05.02.01 - "Materials science in mechanical engineering. Foundry. Heat treatment and metal pressure treatment. Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals (materials science and metallurgical directions) ", 01.04.06 -" Physics of polymers ", 02.00.15 -" Technology of silicate and refractory non-metallic materials and doctoral studies for the award of the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) in specialties: 02.00. 07- "Chemistry and technology of composite, paint and varnish and rubber materials.", 05.02.01 - "Materials science in mechanical engineering. Foundry. Heat treatment and metal pressure treatment. Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals (materials science and metallurgical directions) ".

At the State Unitary Enterprise "Fan va tarakkiyot" 16 basic doctoral students, 4 doctoral students and 23 independent researchers conduct research on dissertations.

Admission to doctoral studies is carried out on the basis of a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. After the announcement of admission to doctoral studies is published, on the basis of the approved admission quota of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the admission committee, formed in the organization from September 15 to October 15, accepts documents.

Applicants for basic doctoral studies (PhD), doctoral studies (DSc) and self-study must submit the following documents after electronic registration on the website

- statement

- copy of the passport

- help lens

- a certified copy of the work book

- a copy of the diploma of higher education (bachelor's and master's degrees)

- a copy of the candidate of science (or PhD) diploma for applicants for doctoral studies (DSc)

- complete draft doctoral dissertation plan

- list and copies of scientific articles and abstracts published in scientific journals

- letter of recommendation from the place of work

The basic doctoral entrance exams and the PhD interview are held annually from November 1st to 25th. Based on the results of exams, in accordance with the decision of the Admissions Committee, by December 5, the admission procedure is drawn up with the appointment of scientific advisers and scientific consultants (if available). Doctoral studies begin on January 1st.