SUE "Fan va tarakkiyot"

State Unitary Enterprise

About SUE "Fan vа tarakkiyot"

In 1992, by the decision of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the basis of the research department "Composite and polymer materials" of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute, which had been functioning since 1980, the Uzbek Republican Scientific and Technological Complex (STC) "Fan va tarakkiyot" was created under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education. Also, by the decision of the government and the corresponding order of the Ministry of Higher Education in 2004, STC "Fan va tarakkiyot" while retaining a legal entity, was transferred to the structure of the Tashkent State Technical University. And since 2007, it was transformed into the State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) "Fan va tarakkiyot" at TSTU and Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan S.S. Negmatov was appointed its chairman. In 2016, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor N.S. Abed was appointed as a the Chairman of the SUE "Fan va tarakkiet".

The purpose and task of the enterprise is to conduct fundamental and applied research in the field of mechanics and technology, physics, chemistry of organic and inorganic composite materials based on local and secondary raw materials for the needs of various industries, agriculture, to create scientific foundations of effective technology methods and implement their results in production, as well as training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel through doctoral studies and basic doctoral studies, as well as from among independent applicants.

Scientific directions of the organization:

  1. Chemistry and technology of composite materials.
  2. Materials science and technology of new materials.
  3. Chemistry and technology of inorganic composite materials.
  4. Technology of ferrous, non-ferrous, rare and rare earth metals.
  5. Mechanochemical technology of composites and chemical reagents.
  6. Anticorrosive materials and man-made waste processing technology.

At the State Unitary Enterprise “Fan va Tarakkiyot” (Science and Progress) work 68 employees (45 researchers, including 1 academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 10 Doctors of Science, 12 Candidates of Sciences), who conduct scientific activities in the existing 6 scientific laboratories of the SUE “Fan va Tarakkiyot”. Also in our organization, 24 basic doctoral students (PhD), 8 doctoral students (DSc) and 40 independent researchers study and conduct scientific research.

The activities of the enterprise's scientists are aimed at creating composite and nanocomposite materials based on local and recycled raw materials, having high physical, mechanical and operational properties and meeting the requirements of modern scientific and technological development, creating new technologies, innovative developments for metallurgy, oil and gas, chemical, construction, textile, engineering industries, as well as agriculture.

For example, in 2013, JSC “Almalyk MMC” introduced a waste-free, energy- and resource-saving environmentally friendly technology for the production of copper from industrial waste, developed at the State Unitary Enterprise Fan va Tarakkiet, with an economic efficiency of 20.1 million US dollars per year. Every year, this technology produces 792.58 tons of copper, 43.39 kg of gold and 10.915 tons of silver, which brings additional profit to JSC “Almalyk MMC”.

In addition, The SUE “Fan va Tarakkiyet” has developed a new chemical flotation reagent CCFR-VS based on local and recycled raw materials, which is 1.5-2 times cheaper than the Russian analogue, which in the amount of 2.5 tons is currently used at JSC “Almalyk MMC”. Based on the developed technology for producing the chemical flotation reagent CCFR-VS, a mini-plant with a capacity of 2.5-3 tons per year was built in the Kibray district of the Tashkent region and is being put into operation.

Composite chemical reagents and drilling fluids based on them developed by scientists of our organization were introduced in 10 wells of JSC Uzbekneftegaz and are used to this day.

The developed anti-corrosion compositions for various machines, mechanisms and pipelines were tested under production conditions at the enterprises of JSC “Hududgazta’minot”.

In 2020, the State Unitary Enterprise “Fan va Tarakkiet” took 6th place among 105 research organizations in the “Rating of the results of scientific and innovative activities of scientific organizations in 2020”, conducted by the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

According to the scientific results we achieved in 2022, the SUE “Fan va Tarakkiet” took 17th place in the “Rating of the results of scientific and innovative activities of scientific organizations in 2022”, conducted by the Agency for Innovative Development among 118 academic and scientific organizations of the republic.

Scientists from the State Unitary Enterprise “Fan va Tarakkiyet” conduct joint research not only in our republic, but also with higher educational institutions and research institutes abroad, and a number of projects are now being implemented in cooperation. One of them is the project “Acoustic Multi-functional Composites for Environmental Risks and Health Hazards Reduction - MYP G6006”, carried out under the NATO Science for Peace and Security program.

In SUE "Fan va tarakkiyot" there is a scientific council DSc.03/30.12.2019.К/Т.03.01 for awarding PhD and DSc degrees in specialties 02.00.07 - "Chemistry and technology of composite, paint and varnish and rubber materials" and 05.02. 01 - “Materials science in mechanical engineering. Foundry. Heat treatment and metal pressure treatment. Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals "(direction - materials science and metallurgy).

Since October 14, 1998, under license No. 00105 of the State Publishing Committee of Uzbekistan, SUE "Fan va tarakkiyot" has organized the release of the Uzbek scientific, technical and industrial journal "Composite Materials".

The journal is published 4 times a year, which highlights the current state of the problems of composite materials science in the field of chemistry, physics, mechanics and technology of composite materials.