SUE "Fan va tarakkiyot"

State Unitary Enterprise

Scientific-research laboratory "Adhesion and dynamics of polymer composites"

Head of the laboratory: PhD (technical sciences), senior researcher Ulmasov Tulkin

 Areas of scientific activity of the laboratory: development of damping and vibration-absorbing composite polymer materials for multifunctional purposes based on thermosetting polymers, organic and inorganic ingredients, as well as industrial waste.

Main results of the laboratory since January 1, 2014.

An effective technology and device for homogeneous mixing of powder ingredients based on local raw materials and waste products of organic and inorganic origin has been developed to produce high-strength multifunctional composite materials and products made from them for various purposes. 15 scientific papers have been published on the development.

An effective composition and technology for producing vibration-absorbing composite polymer materials based on local and secondary raw materials has been developed to improve the performance and efficiency of various machines and mechanisms and reduce the noise level in industrial premises. 8 scientific papers have been published on the development.

Regularities are revealed and the mechanism of formation and destruction of the adhesive properties of polymer materials depending on various ingredients for obtaining effective polymer, paint, composite materials and coatings based on them is investigated. 48 scientific papers have been published on the development. 2 the article was published in Scopus.

A resource-saving technology has been developed for obtaining efficient export-oriented metal-polymer and damping composite materials based on local and secondary raw materials for mechanical engineering with pre-set performance properties. 24 scientific papers have been published on the development.

The technology of sheet metal rolling has been improved in order to improve mechanical properties. 30 scientific papers and 1 textbook for University students were published on the development.

Development of new vibration-absorbing polymer composite materials and coatings based on organic-mineral ingredients and industrial waste for manufacturing parts of various machines, mechanisms and technological equipment that reduce noise and improve the environmental situation in the production premises of cotton processing, metallurgical and other enterprises. 9 scientific papers have been published on the development.

 Certificate on conducting pilot production tests of a modular continuously operating device for obtaining homogeneous powder compositions by mixing bulk organic and inorganic powder ingredients from local raw materials and industrial waste, obtained in KB-KOMPOZIT LLC from 15.06.2017.

Certificate of receipt of samples of vibration-absorbing composite polymer materials for their research, received in LLC "Mekhanokime Technologiya" dated 15.06.2017.

Act of production tests of vibration-absorbing composite polymer materials on the working bodies of machines and mechanisms that study the noise received in the Piskent cotton proceeding plant from 26.10.2018.

Act of implementing the results of the research work "Development of effective compositions and technologies for obtaining vibration-absorbing composite polymer materials based on local and secondary raw materials, to improve the performance and efficiency of various machines and mechanisms and reduce noise in industrial premises" and the calculation of economic efficiency obtained in the Piskent cotton proceeding plant from 20.11.2018.

Act on the development and manufacture of a modular production line for the production of modified vibration-damping polymer materials, received in OOO "KB-KOMPOZIT" from 15.06.2018.

It is planned to use the results of the project in the development of advanced composite thermoplastic and thermosetting polymer and paint materials for equipment in the metallurgical, machine-building, chemical, cotton processing and textile industries.

This project is being implemented for use in the details of mechanisms and machines of JSC "Uzpakhtasanoat", which operate in conditions of vibration and noise of industrial premises.