SUE "Fan va tarakkiyot"

State Unitary Enterprise

Scientific-research laboratory "Сhemistry and technology of composite materials"

Нead of the laboratory: candidate of chemical Sciences, senior researcher Вabakhanova Mukhida Gulyamovna

Scientific direction of the laboratory. Scientific basis for creating composite, paint and rubber materials based on local raw materials and production waste

Purpose and objectives of the laboratory. Conducting fundamental, applied and innovative research in the field of composite polymer, paint and rubber materials.


  1. Development of import-substituting composite materials for multifunctional purposes.
  2. Search for and introduction of new types of binders and ingredients for the production of composite, paint and rubber materials, expanding the raw material base of fillers for the paint and chemical industries.
  3. Development of an effective technology for producing composite, paint and rubber materials.

List of state projects being implemented

Innovative project A-2014-7-7 Mastering the technology of receiving insulators resistant to high voltages on the basis of composite polymers (2014-2015).

Innovative project OTH-2017-7-7"design and Development of technology for import-substitution acrylic resin on the basis of local and recycled materials for the production of latex paint" (2016-2017).

Innovative project No. FZ-201906172 –"Development and adoption of technology of producing composite polymeric binder substitute of phenol formaldehyde resin on the basis of local raw materials and industrial waste" (2019-2021гг.)

Using research results in practice.

The use of research results is carried out by transferring scientific and technical documents to enterprises operating in aggressive conditions.

It is planned to use the results of the project to develop and master the technology for obtaining a composite polymer binder substitute for phenol-formaldehyde resin based on local raw materials and industrial waste in Uzmetkombinat JSC, in construction, as well as in furniture production.