Head of the laboratory: candidate of technical science, assoc. Gulyamov Giyas.
Aareas of scientific activity of the laboratory: mechanics and chemical technology of composite polymer materials, materials science in mechanical engineering. Mechanochemical technology and nanotechnology of composite polymer materials.
Main results of the laboratory since January 1, 2014.
An effective technology for obtaining anti - friction and wear-resistant composite materials based on thermoplastic polymers and inorganic fillers and manufacturing parts from them for the working bodies of cotton processing machines has been developed. 7 scientific articles have been published on this topic.
Atmospheric and chemical resistant composite polymer materials and technologies for producing tanks from them by rotary molding for chemical processing of cotton have been developed." Published 15 scientific articles.
Effective compositions and technology for obtaining composite polymer adhesives based on organic and inorganic ingredients from local and secondary raw materials for labeling alcoholic beverages with excise stamps have been developed. 6 scientific articles were published.
Effective compositions for obtaining modified bitumen compositions from organomineral ingredients based on local and secondary raw materials for the production of roofing materials used in the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan have been developed.3 scientific articles were published.
Mechanisms of physical and chemical interactions of components of compositions are investigated and regularities of changes and regulation of their properties for obtaining effective composite polymer materials for various purposes are established. 25 scientific articles were published.
An improved device for studying the properties of machine-building antifriction-wear-resistant antistatic-heat-conducting composite polymer materials and nanocomposites, metal and other materials operating under conditions of interaction with a fibrous mass. 22 scientific articles were published.
In 2018, the laboratory's researchers improved the device for studying the properties of machine-building antifriction-wear-resistant antistatic-heat-conducting composite polymer materials and nanocomposites, metal and other materials that work in conditions of interaction with a fibrous mass, and also developed a state standard. The results of the research were tested at the Piskent cotton gin plant.
Implementation act composite polymer materials with predetermined anti-friction wear-resistant anti-static-heat-conducting properties and in the details of working bodies of machines for the project "development of an efficient technology of antifriction wear - resistant composite materials based on thermoplastic polymers and inorganic fillers and the parts of them for working bodies of machines of the cotton complex." ITD-12-45 (Buka cotton gin plant. 15.06.2018).
Act on production tests of antifriction, wear-resistant composite and machine-building polymer materials in the working bodies of cotton machines and mechanisms "Development of import-substituting compositions and technologies for producing composite metal-polymer materials with pre-set antifriction-wear-resistant antistatic-heat-conducting properties for the working bodies of machines and mechanisms working in interaction with metal-polymer-fiber materials" according to the project PZ-2017-927401 (Piskent cotton gin plant 31.11.2018).
Act of introduction of composite metal-polymer materials with pre-set antifriction-wear-resistant antistatic heat-conducting properties in the details of the working bodies of machines under the project "Development of import-substituting compositions and technologies for producing composite metal - polymer materials with pre-set antifriction-wear-resistant antistatic-heat-conducting properties for the working bodies of machines and mechanisms working in interaction with metal-polymer-fiber materials" under the project PZ-2017-927401 (Piskent cotton gin plant.31.11.2018).
In 2018, golu developed a device-a Disk tribometer and a standard method for determining the antifriction properties of composite polymer materials when interacting with a fibrous mass.
Act on the introduction of R & d in the educational process of the Tashkent Institute of light and textile industry of the Department "Tabiy tolalarni dastlabki ishlash technologiyasi" 25.10.2018.
Letter "Akhborot-mamotmarkazi" DC on the introduction of " Methods for determining the coefficient of friction, temperature and value of the electrostatic charge in the friction zone "(A. Zokirov 26.10.2018).
The introduction of the developed machine-building parts based on thermoplastic polymers in the details of the working bodies of cotton processing machines designed to perform loading and unloading and transport operations and preventive operations will bring a significant economic effect for the growth of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.