SUE "Fan va tarakkiyot"

State Unitary Enterprise

Scientific-research laboratory "Chemical technology of aluminosilicate and refractory composite materials"

Head of the laboratory: doctor of technical sciences, prof. Eminov Ashrap Mamurovich.

 Areas of scientific activity of the laboratory: chemistry and physical-chemistry of silicates, chemical technology of aluminosilicate and oxide high-temperature materials

Main results of the laboratory since January 1, 2014.

In metal production, the production of an aosocial device was studied, which mechanically fuses and mixes the ingredients of the production composition to form an aosocial device in a vibrational way to obtain powder ingredients and obtain powder ingredients from waste rocks of steel production and their use in production. 10 articles were published in this field, of which 7 are in collections of journals and conferences abroad.

The optimal composition of the resulting electro-ceramic materials was created and their influence on the physical and mechanical properties and structure of the enrichment process was studied.18 articles have been published in this field, 1 of them in a foreign journal.

In order to expand commodity Fund ceramic industry by the establishment and development of technology for beneficiation of kaolin "Alliance" no waste was received fireproof materials and porcelain products, studied their optimal composition and physico-mechanical properties and physical-chemical methods studied formed crystalline phase. 17 articles have been published in this field.

A resource-saving, environmentally friendly technology for producing aluminum composite ceramic products based on inorganic mineral and secondary technological waste has been developed. 36 articles have been published in this field. 4 of them are published in foreign journals and conferences.

 In 2014, the laboratory's research staff received an act "Development of a laboratory model of a plant for fine grinding of raw materials of experimental samples of slag-portland cement" at the experimental production base of NTTS "KOMPOZIT" LLC and studied its characteristics in the state unitary enterprise "Fan va tarakkiet" of the I. Karimov TSTU.

Act on the release and testing of experimental batches of Portland cement with the addition of fine powder of processed steelmaking slag. 15.06.2015. (NIIIT Strom INH the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan).

Act on the release and conduct of pilot tests of electro-ceramic composite masses. 14.09.2015 (ONYX-PORCELAIN LLC).

Act on pilot tests of electro-ceramic materials based on local and secondary raw materials. 20.09.2016 G. (JSC "UzKTZhM").

Certificate for receiving household porcelain products based on kaolins from the Allianz Deposit under the conditions of the state of emergency "ASIYAPORCELAINTRTADE". 2007.2018 (STATE OF EMERGENCY "ASIYAPORCELAINTRTADE").

Implementation act for the production of enriched kaolin from the Allianz Deposit by wet enrichment under the conditions of the Allianz mining company in order to expand the raw material base of the ceramic industry. 23.09.2018 G. (PE GRK "ALYANS".

It is planned to use the results of the project in JSC "Uzkurilishmaterialari" in the production of aluminum-silicate refractory materials for lining high-temperature furnaces for firing cement, ceramic materials for facade and facing purposes.

This project is being implemented in the direction of Uzkurilishmaterialari JSC for the introduction into production and projected production of aluminum silicate refractory and ceramic facing materials. This makes it possible to ensure economic growth and social development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the