SUE "Fan va tarakkiyot"

State Unitary Enterprise

Activity of organization

In accordance with the strategic plan, the enterprise carries out its activities in the following scientific areas:

- carrying out fundamental, exploratory and applied research, primarily in the field of chemistry, physics, mechanics of composite and polymer materials based on local mineral and secondary raw materials and technologies for their production, manufacturing products for various industries and agriculture, performing state scientific technical and innovative programs;

- coordination of research, design and development and experimental production work carried out in the relevant fields of research, and the development of composite materials for multifunctional purposes in scientific institutions and universities of the Republic;

- assistance in the implementation of scientific and technical developments in the sectors of the national economy through the creation of pilot industries, scientific and technical complexes and centers of joint and small enterprises for the production of new materials, products, instruments and machines, etc .;

- organization and implementation of research, development and experimental production work, comprehensive research in cooperation with universities, scientific institutions, organizations and enterprises of various industries;

- training highly qualified, scientific, scientific and pedagogical personnel through doctoral studies (PhD, DSc) and independent competition;

- production of prototypes of products and models, production of pilot batches of composite materials for various purposes with the issuance of scientific and technical documentation (NTD), as well as the introduction of the results of new developments at the enterprises of the republic;

- publication of a scientific, technical and production journal, development of teaching aids, instructions for setting up new laboratory, coursework and diploma theses, master's theses in the most relevant areas with the creation and receipt of composite materials;

- holding regional, industry, international conferences, symposia and seminars on scientific and technical problems;

- creation of information banks of data, discoveries and inventions for specific

scientific directions and their implementation in the national economy.