SUE "Fan va tarakkiyot"

State Unitary Enterprise

Scientific-research laboratory "Technology of rare, rare earth and noble metals and processing of technogenic raw materials"

Head of the laboratory: doctor of chemical sciences, prof. Sharipov Hasan Turabovich.

Areas of scientific activity of the laboratory: chemistry, chemical technology, metallurgy of non-ferrous and rare metals

Main results of the laboratory since January 1, 2014.

Based on the mineralogical analysis of a significant number of samples by microscopic, microprobe, and x-ray phase studies, it was shown that 51 minerals and their varieties in the amount of 74 were identified in primary ores, represented by various classes: silicates, aluminosilicates, sulfides, arsenides, carbonates, tungstates, phosphates, oxides, and selenides, the tellurides, the antimonides. Published 15 works, including 2 monographs.

Installed minerals are: gold (Au, Ag) established minerals are native gold and Euroarctic gold (AUSS); for silver, in addition to its occurrence in the structure of the identified gold and other forms of freibergite, polybasite, nakasei, naumannite, Randori, vitreous, hessite; for Selena revealed will peresilit, clausthalite, naumannite and aguilarite; for Ni, With the identified pentlandite, gersdorffite; for cadmium greenockite produce;for tungsten - scheelite, wolframite: for tellurium – hessite. Published 30 papers, including 1 monograph.

Solid extractants based on the macroporous polymer PAD600, MN202, BO-020, as well as AU and N, O, P, S-polyfunctional ligands with different degrees of impregnation were obtained. The relationship between sorption properties and microstructure at the nanoscale was established for the obtained samples of N, O, P, and S-containing sorbents.

The processes of complexation of adtf, MAB, TEA, and TBF on the surface of impregnated sorbents were studied by IR spectroscopy and ESDO. For the first time, IR spectroscopy data were obtained for the studied group of sorbents and their complexes with Ag(I), Au(III), Pt(IV), and Re(VI). Participation in the complexation of functional groups of organic ligands with metal ions was confirmed. Based on the shift of the characteristic bands in the spectrum, it was found that the complexation of gold with dialkyldithiophosphoric acids is more pronounced than with platinum. Published 35 works, 1 monograph.

A scientifically-based method for efficient processing of composite molybdenum-containing waste-industrial product stubs of Almalyk MMC JSC, which is a low-grade molybdenum concentrate obtained during the enrichment of copper-molybdenum ores containing a significant amount of various impurities along with molybdenum, has been developed. Based on this approach, a technology for obtaining high-purity ammonium molybdenum acid has been developed, while the extraction of molybdenum is up to 98.6%, which meets the requirements of the technical level.

The regularities of acid autoclave leaching of pyrite raw materials are established, thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the process of opening pyrite concentrate with nitric acid at elevated temperatures and pressures are determined, and the technology of its deep processing is developed on this basis.

The theoretical analysis of high-temperature diagrams "potential (φ) - pH" for the Fe-S-N-O-H system at different acidity is performed and the values of φ corresponding to the maximum yield at temperatures: 298K φ=0÷0 are determined.4B; 383K φ= -0.1÷0.4V and 433K φ= -0.15÷0.4 V. Published 30 works.

Based on theoretical and experimental studies, effective methods of enrichment were selected and optimal conditions for separating iron and copper to obtain copper concentrate were determined.

Worked photocolorimetric methods of analysis of molybdenum, copper, iron and rhenium in technological solutions.

The sorption of metals on various ion-exchange resins was studied, on the basis of which the low-base anionites A-100mo for Mo sorption and A-170 for rhenium sorption of Purolite company were selected, and a technology for processing waste solutions of molybdenum production to obtain iron, copper, molybdenum and rhenium concentrates was developed.

An enlarged pilot plant was installed and experimental samples of molybdenum trioxide, ammonium perrenate, and copper concentrate were obtained. Published 20 works.

Act of implementation of the results of research, development and technological work at the Research and production Association for the production of rare metals and hard alloys of Almalyk MMC JSC for the extraction of molybdenum, copper, rhenium and precious metals from waste cakes and slurry field solutions from March 29, 2020

The act of implementation of research results, developmental and technological works on the research and production Association production of rare metals and hard alloys of JSC "Almalyk MMC" process autoclave nitric acid leaching of pyrite concentrate of JSC "AMMC" .

Act of implementation of the results of research, development and technological works at the MPZ of Almalyk MMC JSC. It is

Planned to use the project results at the enterprises of Almalyk MMC JSC in the process of processing man-made waste and obtaining products of rare and precious metals.